Mission Statement
General Values
- It is our goal to practice and preserve heathenry based on the Germanic-Scandinavian pre-christian religions and traditions – which we call Ásatrú, Norse heathenry, forn sed – in our modern world.
- Our values are mainly based on the Eddas as well as local historical customs that apply to each community. These are complemented by other written and visual sources of our tradition; as well as taking into account the current state of academic research.
- Our religion is polytheistic and animistic. The focus of our practice is on honouring the Æsir, the Vanir, – and all the other gods and powers related to them – through regular rituals (blóts, symbels and other rituals).
- We honour all the ancestors in these rites. Without their unwavering work we would not be able to inhabit the world we know today.
- We also believe that animated nature is a living, dynamic and sacred reality, towards which we turn in awe. Protection of the environment is a shared responsibility of all of those who follow our religion.
- The Asatru Europe Network does not condone missionary work, which goes completely against our worldview both in theory and practice. Our path is open to all who are called.
- Our polytheistic world view entails tolerance to others, both towards individuals as well as towards religions or spiritual traditions that are different. To let others have their views and experience of life is of value to all.
Human Rights
- As followers of a polytheistic worldview, we believe in cultural and especially religious tolerance. A core value for our Association is not to disrespect or provoke other cultures, religions or any different types of identity, and we expect the same treatment from others towards us.
- The Asatru Europe network is a non-political organisation, i.e. Asatru Europe Network does not endorse or support political parties, and is in no way affiliated with political organisations. The personal opinions of individual members do not reflect the position of the Asatru Europe Network.
- We abhor all forms of hate speech or other kinds of offensive behaviour on our community platforms. We expect individuals to take responsibility for their words and actions, and we will act upon that expectation accordingly.
- We believe in the right of every human being to practice our religion, regardless of their background, sexuality, ancestry and nationality.
- The Asatru Europe Network strictly distances itself from extreme fanatic ideologies and groups.
Internal Focus
- The Asatru Europe Network is a non-profit organisation.
- Asatru Europe Network is a network of inclusive Asatru organisations, groups, and individuals in Europe. By sharing information and promoting cultural exchange we gain knowledge about each other, our practices and hopes.
Concrete examples of this are blots, rituals, arts, crafts and skills shared between the members; as well as showing each other hospitality. - The intention of Asatru Europe Network is to bring together heathens from Europe and beyond who wish to meet in an international context.
- Asatru Europe Network connects existing groups and individuals and strives for expanding our knowledge and wisdom by exchanging information, cultural varieties and religious practices.
- Asatru Europe Network operates as an “umbrella initiative” that grants its members (both individuals and organisations) freedom in organising their own matters; nevertheless they must respect this charter of Asatru Europe Network in doing so.
- Those not present at meetings, whether physical or digital, respect and adhere to decisions that are made in those meetings; even though individuals may not have been part of that decision making process.
- Deeds speak louder than words.
External Focus
- By showing solidarity and fellowship we will build friendship and alliances. Through a common voice we will stimulate the creation of spaces for cultural exchange and personal meetings. We want to show the value of our religion in the present day.
- The Asatru Europe Network can be understood as a “common voice” for its members on matters that go beyond local and national significance.
- We co-operate in fellowship and solidarity on the basis of common perspectives and pursuing shared
- We are many in one. We are strong in variety and stand together for our beliefs.
Inclusivity and Accessibility
- Our public events shall be open to any interested individual that acknowledges our Mission Statement.
- Our public events welcome families regardless of their legal status. Our goal is to ensure that children are exempt from paying participation fees. We will also do our utmost to protect children from any harm at our venues.
- Our public events welcome persons with handicaps and disabilities, as well as elderly persons. Our goal is to keep the venues of our events as accessible as possible and assist these participants if we are informed about their limitations.
- Our public events welcome persons from the LGBTQ+ communities as well as their visibility on-site. They will find a safe place at our venues.
Version and remarks
The Mission Statement has been elaborated before the founding of AEN and has been unanimously accepted in the Founding Assembly on November 30th in Cologne (Germany).
The current version is marked as V. 1.0.
The Mission Statement is mentioned in our legal Statutes and is considered to be a regular addendum to them. It may only be altered by the General Assembly by a majority of 3/4 of the votes.